Studying RCL texts? Here are some starting places for study at ATLA this week. If you are the graduate of an accredited U.S. theological school, you may have free access to these articles through your school. Check ATLAS access options. You can find full lists of ATLAS recommended articles for this week at The Text This Week's page for this week's texts:
Advent 2C
December 6, 2015
Boulton, Elizabeth Myer, "Living by the Word: Baruch 5:1-9, Luke 3:1-6," The Christian Century, 2009.
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"We are called to live, pray and preach as if God's new world were at hand."
"Homiletical Helps," Concordia Journal, 2010. (Section on this text begins on page 359)
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"Many Christians in the pew may simply think that cussing, swearing, or using God's name flippantly is the only way one breaks the second commandment. And yet it's more than that, as we hear through Malachi. We break the second commandment by murmuring against YHWH and by wondering 'what's in it for me' to be a Christian, especially when the wicked aren't living right and God doesn't seem even to care.
Trible, Phyllis, "Meeting Mary through Luke," The Living Pulpit, 2001.
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"Elizabeth's story prepares for the advent of Mary."
McKenzie, Alyce M., "Between Text and Sermon: Luke 1:68-79," Interpretation, 2001.
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"Zechariah invites contemporary people to begin a journey from incredulity to joy. After initial doubt, Zechariah prayerfully listens, then, with recovered voice, joyfully names his newly recognized hope. Finally, he proclaims it in poetic cadences, giving voice to his conviction that the time of God's gracious deliverance has come."
Otey, Rush, "Gospel Fragments for Advent," Journal for Preachers, 2000.
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"For the Church, an evocative symbol of Advent is building a road, preparing a way, together. Many of us have friends who help us the most by being honest with us, even sometimes being confrontational and challenging. Those very qualities are what make them our friends, not just nodding acquaintances."