Studying lectionary texts? Here are some starting places for study at ATLA this week. If you are the graduate of an accredited U.S. theological school, you may have free access to these articles through your school. Check ATLAS access options. You can find full lists of ATLAS recommended articles for this week at The Text This Week's page for this week's texts:
Easter 4B
April 29, 2012
Boesak, Allan Aubrey, "In the Name of Jesus: Acts 4:12," Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 1985.
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EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
“If people are being changed, if the structures of the world are being confronted, if the very world itself is faced with the challenge to be transformed, then no longer hatred but love shall rule, no longer fear but boldness shall rule, no longer injustice but justice shall rule.”
Sharma, Arvind, "Christian Proselytization: A Hindu Perspective," Missiology, 2005.
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EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
“Proselytization in some form is usually perceived as an inalienable aspect of Christian identity, yet this aspect of Christianity is quite baffling to the modern Hindu, who is not disposed to doubt the salvific potency of other religions. This paper is an attempt to try to create some openings in this wall of mutual incomprehension so that both sides gain a better appreciation of the others' position and to indicate the ‘concessions’ they could make to each others' position without compromising their own integrity.”
Calhoun, David B. "Poems in the Park: My Cancer and God's Grace," Presbyterion, 2008.
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EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
“During a period of intensive chemotherapy treatment some years ago, I found that it helped me to walk. Day after day I walked around and around a half-mile path in a park across the street from my house. I usually took with me a little book of poems or a small hymnbook. As I walked, I read the poems and hymns slowly, out loud. As the medicine flowed into my body each week in the hospital next to the park, so the words of the poetry flowed into my heart and mind every day as I walked, giving me a new infusion of courage, patience, hope, and trust.”
Gomes, Peter J., "Good Shepherd, Good Sheep," Currents in Theology and Mission, 2003.
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EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
“For us, where the metaphor ends and the good news begins is that we are gathered and guarded not for the slaughter, and not to be eaten, but for love and redemption. That is where we take leave of the metaphor and embrace reality. What do we do in response to this truth and this reality?”
Long, Kimberly Bracken, "The Shepherd Jesus," Journal for Preachers, 2006. Sermon.
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EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
“From womb to tomb, font to grave, on whatever roads we take (or find ourselves on), the shepherd leads us as one flock, gracing us with constant companionship and food for the journey, until he leads us safely home.”